Virtual reality (VR) is a computer generated environment with scenes and objects that appear to be real. The technology is relatively intuitive, and some studies show it can help with memory loss, mood and loneliness. It's always an amazing experience, and a lot of fun!
Give your residents the therapeutic and social benefits of VR in healthcare! The technology is relatively intuitive, and some studies show it can help with memory loss, mood and loneliness. “I’ve never been to Spain, I want to see something there", one resident said. “It’s like traveling when you’re not traveling.” People who tended to self-isolate were joining VR exercise activities such as flight simulators, a journey to the moon, VR touring, and beachside meditations. One resident who usually didn’t participate in activities became very present once the headset came along. Then there’s the maps feature with street views as if you were actually standing on the street. Some residents wanted to travel to the pyramids, or the countries they came from. Others wanted to visit their old childhood neighborhoods and homes. Contact Jeff Kampf today to learn more about the revolutionary benefits of VR for the elderly, or to learn about the various VR exercise apps for seniors that are currently available.